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Try These Deadlift Variations

The deadlift is the king of Exercises. There are many exercises that show off strength, but no exercise does it quite like the deadlift. Deadlifting is simple to learn. You are essentially picking up weight and putting it back down. Although simple, deadlift can be very challenging and unparalleled by any other exercise. Here are a few variations to throw into your training. Make sure you have developed a great foundation for hip hinging before attempting any of these variations.

1 – Jefferson Deadlift

Popularized recently by physically cultured David Dellanave (who holds the record for the lift at 605 pounds), this variation usually allows for more leverage which translates into heavier pulls. In the Jefferson Deadlift you straddle the bar. There are a variety of ways to do this exercise. You straddle the bar, place your hands, and lift. It is a self-regulating exercise in that most of the time people reposition themselves to get the most leverage. You don’t want to round your back or let your knees collapse in. For more guidance check out this video:

2 – Hack Lift/Squat

This variation places more emphasis on the quads. In a Hack lift, the bar is actually behind you. The bar is grabbed much like a conventional deadlift. The hack lift places more stress on the knees and should be done sparingly.

3 – Suitcase Deadlift

For a real test of core strength you can try out the Suitcase Deadlift. Basically, it is a deadlift performed with one arm at a time. The bar is placed at your side and your hand grabs the bar in the middle. Balance may be tricky at first but with practice you will find the sweet spot.

4 – Deficit Deadlift

This variation places you on a short platform and increases your range of motion (ROM), making proper leg drive is crucial. Doing them properly will increase your conventional and sum deadlift weight. Special note for this one, if you cannot maintain a neutral or natural arch in the lower back, save this one for another day. Some will not be physically capable of lifting from a deficit and should avoid this exercise. Lift smart.

We hope these deadlift variations will come in handy. Always remember, if something doesn’t feel right you can videotape yourself and post it in our social media for pointers.