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Top 5 Myths for Getting a Six Pack

When it comes to getting six-pack abs, there are a variety of methods that you can try. There isn’t one single method that is right or wrong and works better than all the rest. We are going to discuss a number of methods that simply don’t work, because knowing these methods will help you avoid them!

Ab Exercises Get Rid of Stomach Fat

There is no such thing as spot reduction. You cannot just work on the areas you want to develop and hope that fat will decrease in that part of your body alone. To see abs you need to decrease your overall body fat percentage. That will ultimately involve your diet and workouts. Train hard, eat well, and you will be able to build muscle.

Sit-Ups Are the Best Ab Exercise

Sit-ups do work the abs, however, most people usually feel them in their hip flexors or back. Doing hundreds of sit-ups will only lead to a sore back and thighs, as well as bad posture.

The Longer the Plank the Better

In 2014, Mao Weidong set the record for the longs plank (4 hours and 26 minutes). Then in 2015 Ex-marine George Hood took back his previously held title by holding a plank for 5 hours and 15 minutes. While these feats are incredible, you don’t need to plank this long to build a strong core. If you can hold a solid plank for 45 seconds, you are ready to challenge yourself in different ways.

Visible Six Pack = Strong Abs

Having a visible mid-section is more of a representation of body fat percentage than strength. If someone has visible abs, it mainly means their body fat percentage is low which is not indicative of strength.

Low Carb Diets Will Bring Out Abs Faster

Carbs have been demonized. Most think that the key to losing weight is eating less carbs. It is true that this type of diet may work for some, but for most of us it is horrible. Low carb diets can make you feel miserable and tired. If you are tired you cannot get the most out of your workout. Decreased performance leads to decreased results. Carbs are not evil, you need them for energy, just make sure not to overdo it.

Everyone wants the washboard abs but getting them can seem impossible. Now that you know the truth about these myths you can be sure that you are on the right track. To accomplishing your ab goals it’s going to take hard work, time, and dedication.